Hello everyone!
So, I have been doing a lot of different events recently.
Strip Spelling Bee.
Slowdance Night.
Crowd Karaoke.
And other crazier things, like Cardboard Fort Night.
But having all these various blogs to cater to each particular
event is kinda insane.
So this will be the last posting here.
If you want to keep up with all my future events,
you can do one of two things!
Visit http://janesheisaclerk.blogspot.com/ monthly.
Or, "LIKE" my event Facebook group, Chat Perdu Productions.
Thank you all for visiting and for coming!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Queer Pride STRIP SPELLING BEE - June 24th, 2011

Toronto Queer Pride Edition
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Friday, June 24th, 2011
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
(1 blk east of Yonge)
Toronto, Ontario
Sign-up at 10 PM sharp!
Bee starts at 10:30 PM
$10 at the door
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
Both the winner of the Bee and the Best Striptease of the night take home $50!
While the Best Speller of the night will be chosen through purely quantitative means, Best Stripper is chosen in a more qualitative manner by our Secret Judge whom we have embedded in the audience. As with all things, if you compete in costume, the Secret Judge will look more favourably in your direction.
All striptease spellers do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Official Photographer. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
To be alerted to future Strip Spelling Bees in your area, please join our facebook group, CHAT PERDU PRODUCTIONS: http://www.facebook.com/pa
If you liked this event, you might be interested in our other equally charming & compelling upcoming events!
♥ Toronto QUEER PRIDE SLOWDANCE. Friday, June 17, 2011:
♥ Toronto CARDBOARD FORT NIGHT. Saturday, June 25, 2011:
Recently, we were fortunate enough to get some MEDIA COVERAGE:

Part of Queer Pride 2011 at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
Buddies In Bad Times Theatre presents
A Festival for the Community
June 13 – July 3, 2011
Festival Sponsor: TD Bank Group
Queer Media Partner: XTRA
Buddies After Hours Sponsor: Cruiseline
For three weeks, Buddies throws open its doors for a joyous celebration of our diverse
queer community. We welcome queers who crave adventures beyond the expected,
artists who refuse to conform and communities who will not allow themselves to be
silenced. On the Buddies’ stage, you will find a stellar line-up of some of Toronto’s most
exciting queer entertainers, while Buddies After Hours offers up the most outrageous
clubbing in the village.
Box Office 416-975-8555
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Next Strip Spelling Bee in MONTREAL - June 1st, 2011

Our next Strip Spelling Bee is part of Montreal's Fringefest this year!
Wednesday, June 1st, 2011 The Mainline Theatre 3997 St-Laurent Blvd. (just south of Duluth) (it is a black door with flames painted on it) Montreal, QC
Sign-up at 9:30 PM sharp!
Bee from at 10 PM - 1AM
$10 at the door
Spellers do not pay, and get a free drink.
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
The BEST way to keep apprised of future Strip Spelling Bees and all our other quirky events is to join our Facebook group, "Chat Perdu Productions"
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Here are the official rules.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
The winner of the Bee takes home (a) a CD with recordings of over an hour of cats purring loudly; (b) a Lego minifigure that is a pin you can affix to your outfit! (c) a random lettered Scrabble tile pin!
Best striptease will also take home (a) a CD with recordings of over an hour of cats purring loudly; (b) a Lego minifigure that is a pin you can affix to your outfit! (c) a random lettered Scrabble tile pin!
Best striptease is decided by a Secret Judge we have planted in the audience among you. You will be judged on enthusiasm, technical merit, and artistic impression.
All striptease spellers get a free drink, and do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, straight, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Official Photographer. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
If you liked this event, you might be interested in our other equally charming & compelling FringeFest events!
Fringefest STRIP SPELLING BEE. Weds, June 1, 2011:
Fringefest SLOWDANCE. Friday, June 3rd, 2011:
Fringefest CROWD KARAOKE. Tues, June 7th, 2011:
Monday, April 4, 2011
Next Strip Spelling Bee in TORONTO - April 22, 2011

("Bare It All For Spring" Edition)
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Friday, April 22nd, 2011
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
(1 blk east of Yonge)
Toronto, Ontario
Sign-up at 10:30 PM sharp!
Bee starts at 11 PM
$10 at the door
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
Both the winner of the Bee and the Best Striptease of the night take home (a) A CD with over an hour of cats purring! (b) A Lego minifigure pin that you can pin to your jacket! (c) A Scrabble Tile pin that you can pin to your jacket!
While the Best Speller of the night will be chosen through purely quantitative means, Best Stripper is chosen in a more qualitative manner by our Secret Judge whom we have embedded in the audience. As with all things, if you compete in costume, the Secret Judge will look more favourably in your direction.
All striptease spellers do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Official Photographer. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
To be alerted to future Strip Spelling Bees in your area, please join our facebook group, The Honeysuckle Strip Spelling Bee Hive. Thank you.
Recently, we were fortunate enough to get some MEDIA COVERAGE:
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Next Strip Spelling Bee in MONTREAL - March 9th, 2011

*Hint of Spring* Edition!
in Montreal
Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
The Mainline Theatre
3997 St-Laurent Blvd.
(just south of Duluth)
(it is a black door with flames painted on it)
Montreal, QC
Sign-up at 8 PM sharp!
Bee from 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM
$10 at the door.
Spellers do not pay, and get a free drink.
RSVP on our Facebook event page!
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
Finally, you may be interested in some of our OTHER equally charming & captivating events coming up:
CROWD KARAOKE on FEB. 17th, 2011
on Facebook or our Blogspot.
QUEER PROM on April 9th, 2011
on Facebook or our Blogspot.
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Here are the official rules.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
The winner of the Bee takes home (a) a couple tall cans of beer; (b) a CD with recordings of over an hour of cats purring loudly; and (c) a Lego minifigure that is a pin you can affix to your outfit!
Best striptease will also take home (a) a couple tall cans of beer; (b) a CD with recordings of over an hour of cats purring loudly; and (c) a Lego minifigure that is a pin you can affix to your outfit!
Best striptease is decided by a Secret Judge we have planted in the audience among you. Please note that those who take the theme of the night (Hint of Spring) into account while selecting their outfit will be accorded extra regard when it comes to selecting a winner.
All striptease spellers get a free drink, and do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, straight, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Official Photographer. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
First Strip Spelling Bee in OTTAWA, Ontario!

The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Friday, February 25th, 2011
Shanghai Restaurant
651 Somerset W.
(at Bronson)
Ottawa, Ontario
Sign-up at 10 PM sharp!
Bee starts at 10:30 sharp!
$10 at the door
Hosted by the inappropriately filthy Sherwin Tjia and the incomparably lovely Luna Allison.
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
If you are on Facebook, RSVP on our event page here!
IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you are thinking of competing, please EMAIL THE HOST YOUR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST at inconsolablecat@hotmail.com and let him know. As this is our FIRST Strip Spelling Bee in OTTAWA, if we feel that we cannot get enough CONTESTANTS to go ahead, the event will, sadly, be cancelled. This event is impossible without those brave enough to be both brainy & brawny.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
The winner of the Bee takes home (a) A CD with over an hour of cats purring! (b) a Scrabble tile pin with the first initial of their name on it! (c) A Lego minifigure pin that they can wear on their shirt!
Best striptease will also take home (a) A CD with over an hour of cats purring! (b) a Scrabble tile pin with the first initial of their name on it! (c) A Lego minifigure pin that they can wear on their shirt!
While the Best Speller of the night will be chosen through purely quantitative means, Best Stripper is chosen in a more qualitative manner by our Secret Judge whom we have embedded in the audience. As with all things, if you compete in a particularly sexy costume, the Secret Judge will look more favourably in your direction.
All striptease spellers do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Host, who guarantees that the photos will not appear anywhere, ever. Additionally, if you are really shy, you may opt out of photos altogether, and our Host will respect your wishes. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
To be alerted to future Strip Spelling Bees in your area, please join our facebook group, The Honeysuckle Strip Spelling Bee Hive. Thank you.
Recently, we were fortunate enough to get some MEDIA COVERAGE:
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Strip Spelling Bee in TORONTO! - Jan 28th, 2011

(Hawt Mid-winter Edition)
The game is played a lot like strip poker, but it's a spelling bee, and it's played in front of a live audience of hooters, hollerers and hecklers who want to see some smart and sexy skin!
Friday, January 28th, 2011
Buddies in Bad Times Theatre
12 Alexander Street
(1 blk east of Yonge)
Toronto, Ontario
Sign-up at 10:30 PM sharp!
Bee starts at 11 PM
$10 at the door
RSVP on our Facebook event page!
Please note that we must cap our number of strip-spellers at 15 to ensure an expedient and entertaining evening.
One by one, participants are asked to spell a word. If they get it right, they sit down. If they get it wrong, they must striptease A THIRD of their clothing off, and that is considered their first "strike". When they misspell a second word, that is their second strike and they must striptease ANOTHER third off. A third and final strike requires that they strip down to their underwear. Or, NAKED - whichever they are most comfortable with.
After three strikes, a participant is out of the competition. But they should take heart – because while they may have lost, the audience has most certainly won.
The winner of the Bee takes home $50!
Best striptease will also take home $50!
While the Best Speller of the night will be chosen through purely quantitative means, Best Stripper is chosen in a more qualitative manner by our Secret Judge whom we have embedded in the audience. As with all things, if you compete in costume, the Secret Judge will look more favourably in your direction.
All striptease spellers do not pay cover.
Anyone can drop out of the competition at any time AFTER the completion of the SECOND round.
This is a queer, senior and trans-friendly event. We have a NO BOOING policy strictly in effect. No photos are allowed except by our Official Photographer. Our goal is to have everyone feel safe, secure and comfortable enough to strip and spell.
Regarding the No Photos Rule - we also have a Snitch Policy. If you are a member of the audience and you witness someone taking a surreptitious photo, BY ALL MEANS, interrupt the proceedings, come up to one of the hosts - SNITCH on the guilty party, and once they have been dealt with, you will be rewarded with a free drink.
We thank you for your patronage and understanding.
To be alerted to future Strip Spelling Bees in your area, please join our facebook group, The Honeysuckle Strip Spelling Bee Hive. Thank you.
Recently, we were fortunate enough to get some MEDIA COVERAGE:
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